Ms. Khaisri Utaiwan

Ms. Khaisri Utaiwan

  • Chairman of the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee
  • Independent Director
  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Master of Laws, Temple University School of Law, Philadelphia, USA
  • Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honors), Chulalongkorn University
  • Top Executive Program in Commerce and Trade (TEPCoT) Class 10
  • Certificate of Executive Program, Capital Market Academy, Class 26 (CMA 26)
  • Certificate of Executive Program, Thailand Energy Academy, Class 13 (VorPorNor.13)
  • Diploma of the Senior Justice Administration Program, Class 25 (BorYorSor. 25)
  • Certificate, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)

    • None
Experience (5 years past experiences)
2003 - Present
Executive Director/Partner of The Legist Group Co., Ltd.
Directorship/Management in other listed companies
Directorship/Management in non-listed companies
  • Director and Advisor, MDCU Mednovation Co., Ltd.
  • Company consultant, MDCUS Co., Ltd.
  • Director of the Association of Capital Market Academy
Shareholding in the Company
Family Relationship between Directors and Executives